Welcome to Louis Grubben Mgt Board Representative for Essent Energie Productie
Essent Energie Productie profile and activities
Essent is an energy company that supplies gas, electricity and heat to consumers and businesses. Essent also operates in the waste management market.
Essent produces much of the energy that it supplies in electricity power stations and waste incineration facilities, but also increasingly from sustainable energy sources such as wind and biomass.
In the Netherlands, Essent supplies electricity and gas to over 2.6 million customers and 2.0 million customers respectively.
Measured by turnover Essent is the leader in the Dutch energy market. While Essent considers the Netherlands its home market, the company has also acquired a strong market share in the neighbouring countries Germany and Belgium.
Essent employs over 11,000 people and realises an annual turnover of 6.4 billion euros (2006).
MB Member Essent Energie Productie for USPI
Louis Grubben is Technical Manager, Essent Energie Productie B.V.
Louis is 44 years old, Dutch national. Holds current position of Technical Manager since September 2008. Is responsible for operations, maintenance and engineering support for large scale production locations in The Netherlands and for asset development projects.
Worked since 1999 in various maintenance management positions within Essent both on production locations as well as in the central support department.Started his professional career, after military service with Royal NL Air Force, in 1991 with Shell International EP.
Worked in that period in various O&M positions for 4 years for Shell Expro in Aberdeen and for a similar period for Shell Gabon in West Africa.
Educated at Delft Technical University, Aerospace Engineering (1990) and Master of Business in Energy Systems (2003).