What is ORCHID?
ORCHID provides a maturity model that can assist in visualizing how far companies are with their information management, and it can point to where the bottlenecks may be. The digitization programs are developments to improve the quality of information and by digitalizing the information through use international standards.
ORCHID provides a maturity model that can assist in visualizing how far companies are with their information management, and it can point to where the bottlenecks may be. The digitization programs are developments to improve the quality of information and by digitalizing the information through use international standards.
The purpose of the CEN WS ORCHID Roadmap is to provide an agreed view on the main steps forward in information management in the process industries supply chain. It provides three parts:
1. A model to assess information management maturity of companies and industry
- This part confirms the vision of the process industry supply chain for information management.
- It provides the core information maturity model with the main characteristics
- Internal and external information maturity requirements. These are grouped by internal, external, stage and theme.
- Five dimensions along which maturity is measured
- Time axis which is hinged on the date of update of ORCHID as calibration point whereas the time scale is not fixed.
- It shows the point where companies start to switch from use of their internal Design & Engineering Practices standards to international standards, ISO and de facto standards.
- The maturity of companies as “measured” can be plotted in the roadmap as well as projects. This has been used largely when attracting new participants to the CFIHOS project.
2. Guidance on implementation of standards by learning from use cases.
- This part provides advice to companies and consortia on implementation of the standards required to meet the requirements of the roadmap for the stage they are in.
- The advice comes from the learning of projects that have implemented standards or are I execution of adopting these.
- At the time of the ORCHID update of 2010, there were not as many implementation projects as today.
- A list has been provided of projects that can serve as learning use cases. The important thing is to have the experts from those projects to make the learning available.
3. An overview of the relevant international standards in an agreed classification
- This part provides an overview of international standards of relevance to the process industries at the time of the update of ORCHID in 2010
- They are grouped into categories according to a simple model developed for that purpose
• The ORCHID project was done under a CEN subsidy scheme. It was possible to find enough companies to do the exercise with representation over plant owners, EPC’s and equipment suppliers. Most of those had their head office in Europe.
• The latest update of ORCHID was done in 2010, by about 40 companies and consortia, mostly having their head offices in Europe. These companies and consortia mostly were operating internationally
• USPI believes that with the CFIHOS “cloud” available now it would be possible to have participation of groups with head offices distributed over the world in a better balance between Europe, Asia and America.
• Another reason to update the ORCHD is that the maturity of companies in process industries has increased since 2010.
• Internal maturity of companies has moved up significantly since 2010
• Several joint industry projects have been done since 2010 improving external maturity
• Consortia feel they must get better together to get the standardization job done.
• Industry groups are building digitization strategies and roadmaps
• Corporate units in the large companies have almost disappeared, decisions on standardization are taken by business units with a short-term perspective and high criteria for ROI.
• The number of experts available for standardization work within companies has decreased due to many factors.
• ORCHID can be used as a “tool” to bring industry consortia closer together in maturity and move the average maturity towards the vision.
• It can assist in visualizing where the industry average is going and what spread there is across companies.
• It can highlight what dimensions form a bottleneck
• It can assist with positioning the various digitization roadmaps in an agreed overall context.
• The driver for digitization is much higher than 10 years ago. There are several digitization roadmaps in development. This means a need for positioning these roadmaps in the total work the supply chain is doing in standardization.
• The state of software tools and office tools supporting data integration and exchange is much better than 10 years ago.
• The ORCHID self-assessment tool that now exists will make it easier to assess the maturity of a company. The instructions on how to do this can be given in a group of companies to make it more efficient. The results of the assessments would be included in the USPI assessment base to produce graphics about industry maturity and the relative positions of the various companies. Data are anonymous for privacy and competition reasons.
• Since a few years the DISC committee has been created under IOGP, that aims to orchestrate standardization by setting priorities for the required standards. It is considered using the ORCHID maturity model to assist with this task.
The ORCHID roadmap development was started by USPI in 2002, as a roadmap to get clarity on the main steps that were to be taken by process industries to achieve the vision.
In 2010 the USPI roadmap was transitioned into the ORCHID roadmap which was standardized under CEN as CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA 16180-1/2/3)
Since the last update the information maturity of companies in the process industries has grown significantly. The desire to digitize and to work towards digital twins of the installations has also grown enormously. At the CEN CENELEC workshop held on 28 Sep 2021 on the use of standards in the industry, the key speakers all shouted out loudly: “We need standards”
There is awareness in the process industries that the process of standardization needs to be accelerated. This requires means of orchestration to what all players can do to collaborate better and work more efficiently in information management.
We therefore believe it is the right time to update ORCHID
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