For those of you interested in how to manage the creation of a Common Date Environment (CDE) based on engineering information delivered by different companies using different engineering tools in a structured way, the article written by the USPI members Leo van Ruijven (Croonwolter&dros) and Jim Novack (Dynatec) provides a good starting point.
Read more ...Safari USPI-Semmtech, 16 September 2021
Safari USPI-Semmtech, 16 September 2021
Purpose and goal
On 16 Sep 2021, USPI organized the online Safari provided by Semmtech. The meeting started at 14:00 and ended at 15:30 (CEST). The meeting was open to staff from member companies and sister organizations.
A Safari is a networking event organized by USPI to improve learning between our member organizations. One member invites its peers in USPI to a talk about a current topic or development they’ve been working on. Plenty of time is reserved after the presentation for questions and discussion, to encourage learning and networking across our members.
Read more ...Next phase of the Facility Lifecycle 3D Modeling Standard (FL3DMS) project.
Next phase of the Facility Lifecycle 3D Modeling Standard (FL3DMS) project
On the 26th of August and 2nd of September 2021 brainstorm sessions are planned with the members and partners of the Facility Lifecycle 3D Modeling Standard (FL3DMS) project. The goal of these brainstorm sessions is to develop the roadmap for the FL3DMS project for the years to come, but initially for the MVP 2 phase of the project.
Based on the insights of the participants in which topics are important to work on in the future an overview of these topics will be created. These topics will be grouped in categories. Based on voting the importance of the different topics will be established. The roadmap will then be created based on the ranking of the topics.
Read more ...New USPI member Semmtech as per 18 Mar 2021
Semmtech has joined USPI as per 18 Mar 2021. We welcome Rik Smit in our detailed project discussions.
Read more ...USPI Annual MB meeting - Thursday 11 Mar 2021
On 11 March, USPI held its annual Members Board Meeting. At the meeting the results of the past year and the plans for 2021 were presented. In addition, presentations were given about the current work on ISO 15926 and its implementation on the Pallas project for the Petten nuclear facility in the Netherlands, and the new USPI project to deliver a Facilities Lifecycle 3D Model Standard for the process industries.
New USPI and FL3DMS member DCW as per 25 Feb 2021
Digital Construction Works has joined USPI and FL3DMS as per 25 Feb 2021. We welcome David Ayeni in our detailed project discussions.